
Showing posts from August, 2009

Yet another blog

Once again it has been way too long (why do all my blogs seem to start that way???????). Well at then end of July I had yet another visitor, my friend Allison came down for a week and we had a blast. We went away for a weekend to like the adventure capital of Colombia and in one weekend went caving, white water rafting, paragliding and rappelling down a waterfall. It was soo much fun. It always such a blessing getting visitors and having them see what I am doing down here cause when I come home and talk about Colombia you have people who actually know what your talking about. It’s a little hard to explain but those of you who have been away from home know what I am talking about. So after Allison left we had two weeks of recreation where we just did basically fun things with the kids. We had a carnival day and we went to this part that had all this cool equipment for them to play on, it was pretty awesome. But the one that they liked the best was going to the zoo. A lot of these

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This one is just for fun.... two bottles of shaving cream later At the zoo Stopping to look at the waterfall on the way to the zoo The cool park we went to