
Showing posts from April, 2009

My Apologies Once Again

So I apolizige once again for the long time between blogs...... What have I been up to.... I don't know if I told you about this Australian "grandma" who lives in this really dangerous neighbour hood and has a kids club twice a week. She has been here for four years and started out working in the school and then felt the Lord call her to the neighbourhood where she now is which is called Cazuca. I have been there a couple times on Saturdays helping her out and I really enjoy it. Now that I have been there a couple times some of the kids know me and I will be walking down the street and they will come up to me and give me a kiss on the cheek, which is the typical Colombian greeting. Please keep her in your prayers though cause a few weeks back she had workers in her house fixing a few things and when they left they left the window unlocked. The came back about one in the morning, held a knife to her, tied her up and stole her computer, printer, phone and cooking stove

Mostly Pictures

A paint fight that got a little out of hand but it was worth it to see the smile of the kids faces More of the school kids Some of the school kids that I work with The kids on the bus after school Two brothers that come to the day shelter Some of the kids at the day shelter