
Showing posts from February, 2009

Fleas + Exhaustion = I pretty much love it

Well, what has happened since I last talked to you.... Oh I got fleas, they are kind of everywhere and I am full of bites, but they tell me to take vitamin B complex and once that gets in my system the fleas don't like you anymore, so we will have to see. Last week I was in the day shelter they have for pre-street kids, ages 2-6, it was a lot of fun and the kids are soo adorable. I had a lot of fun with them. I hope to post pictures soon but I have to get them approved first by the leadership team because of Colombian privacy laws. I hope to post a picture of a kid with the sweetest glasses ever, for real. The neighbourhood where the day shelter is, is in a really poor neighbourhood and there are always people sleeping on the street close to the shelter and every day people come to the door and ask for food because they know we feed the kids, after the kids are finished eating and if we have left overs we always give them away. That experience has really opened my heart to the

In Colombia

First off my apologies for it being such a long time between blogs. I am obviously in Colombia now and everything went fairly smoothly. The Thursday before I left I went down to the embassy with my teacher who was awesome and they told me everything was ready I just had to pay, leave them my passport and then pick up my visa on Friday and thats what I did. YAY the beginning of that week I was praying to get my visa or if not at least have an answer wether or not to change my ticket by Wednesday. I called the embassy on Wednesday and asked them if I would have to change my ticked and they said no, that everything would be good to go, thats a pretty direct answer but still I had my doubts, after all this time when God has been so faithful and the to get a direct answer like that, only to doubt him again.....I just don't learn. But I am soo thankful for all the prayers and for God being God and being sooo faithful. So I flew to Colombia on February first and have been