
Showing posts from October, 2019
I didn’t even realize until today that I haven’t even blogged about the mom’s camp and here I am, almost two weeks after the girls 11-13 camp, feeling bad that I haven’t blogged on that one yet. Yikes time really does get away from me. The mom’s camp was probably my favorite. Mostly because it was the least stressful.  I didn’t have to get after them for punching each other in the face or calling each other names, I just got to hang out with them.  I also think that they probably had the most fun.  It was a blessing to see some of their walls break down and seeing their faces light up when they hear about how much their Father in heaven loves them.  Just like the other kids that come to camp they’ve had years of being told they are worthless and will never amount to anything, years of deep heart wounds going unhealed and years of building up walls around their hearts.  With a lot of the families and children we work with, the women is the head of the household and if there is