
Showing posts from September, 2015

The Good and the Bad

Not to sure really how to start this blog… I don’t know if I start with the good news first or the bad news first… I guess since I always like to end on a good note, let’s start with the bad news. I did e-mail some of you to pray, so this is now old news to you but I guess I can update you on the situation.   One of my girls, I think I referred to her as Esperanza in other blogs.   But she is the one whose mom has always been really sick and in and out of hospital, for what seems like forever.   Esperanza is the one who has wanted to drop out of school in the past and start working just incase her mom passed away she would be able to support herself.   Well September 18 her mom did pass away from a heart attack.   My immediate concern was that she would drop out of school with only a couple months left and where would she live as it was just her and her mom, and of course for her heart.   I offered her to come and stay with me for a few days but she wanted to be alon