
Showing posts from February, 2015

Boys Camp… Just a little late

When it’s been so long between blogs I always struggle with what to say, or what to share.   Sometimes it feels like so much has happened that I don’t even know where to start and sometime if feels like nothing has happened at all… I guess I will start with the boys camp that we had in November, which was forever ago I know, but I obviously procrastinated and haven’t shared how it went and when I was in Canada over Christmas a lot of you asked me about it. Well it was an adventure.   We only had about 12 boys, which  was a nice small group.   I was really tired and worn out by the time November rolled around, so it was perfect and a more relaxed camp, well for the most part…. I went ahead with three other staff, well that was the plan anyways, but the car we were in kept over heating and we kept having to pull over and wait on the side of the road for it to cool down.   So we got there a few hours after everyone else arrived.   I was so thankful for great staff t