SWAT shield
Things have been coming together so nicely for Camp Gozo. We are at full staff (YAY), we have a place booked (YAY), and I went to see it on Saturday, and its pretty cool. Now I have an idea how to split up the girls and different ideas for activities and different supplies we will need. Permission forms are made up and will be printed and sent out next week (YAY). Orientation manual is made up (YAY) and just needs to be translated into Spanish. Other then booking transportation, getting supplies, finalizing activities and the finances, we are almost ready. I have still been living off a high since the first steps have been taking and really can’t stop thinking about activities and ideas. I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED. We even have a logo, which my friend Nathan designed and that I will post if I can figure it out. One verse that has been running through my head in this time of preparation is Ephesians 6:16, in addition to...