
Showing posts from September, 2011

Home at Last

                                                                                 So I am finally back in Colombia.  At times it seemed like it was never going to happen, but alas I am here and it feels so good to be back.  The picture to the right is the view from the living room window.  Isn't Colombia beautiful.  After being in the desert of Peru for so long, it's so nice to be back in the beautiful green of Colombia. After my DTS I spent some time in the town of Cengiella, which is just outside of Lima while I applied for my visa.  One of my friends and two families (one from Colombia and one from Holland) that I met while I was in Colombia last time, moved to Peru to start a ministry there.  Where the work is pretty cool.  They work in this invasion community called Estraillita (little star).  Which is a community of 5000 people, living in 3X3 little wooden houses, most with dirt floors.  This community started with some people who took over the land.  There is this l