
Showing posts from March, 2009
Wow….. I didn’t realize that it has been over a month since my last post…. Where does the time go????? So what have I been up to….. I have been working in the school, teaching one class a week, doing one on ones with some of the more difficult kids and kind of just helping out wherever I am needed. I am learning a little more about the kids everyday. A lot of them come from this really poor neighbourhood where gangs, drugs and violence is an everyday reality for them. A lot of them have older siblings who are drug dealers and into gangs and a lot of them come from very violent homes as well. Early last week one boy brought a knife to school and was talking with some of the other boys on who they were going to threaten with it. Now we check the kids bags and pockets in the morning. I don’t know if I really like doing that but I don’t know what the alternative would be, I would hate for a kid to get hurt from a knife. The kids at the school can be really challenging sometimes but